2025 Theme

2025 Theme

"Sir, we wish to see Jesus." That's what a group of Greeks told the apostle Philip in John 12:21. And it is the same desire we will be focusing on for our yearly theme of study and spiritual growth. A genuine desire to witness Jesus in our lives will find us growing, serving, and worshiping in ways that increase our faith and glorify our Maker. 


We want to see Jesus in our hearts. Each soul in our church family has the awesome opportunity to grow in relationship with God through His Son. We will learn how to make Jesus the focal point of our lives, "so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith... (Ephesians 3:17). 


We want to see Jesus in our homes. The power of a transformed life in Christ makes itself known in relationships, and our closest human connections will be blessed and flourish when Jesus shapes our perspective and motivation in these relationships. 


We want to see Jesus in the church. As the body of Christ, the church makes known our Savior and Lord as our head. Jesus will be seen in our local congregation when we embrace the efforts and attitudes that Jesus himself has made for those who worship and work for Him.


We want to see Jesus in His glory. One day, Jesus will return with judgment and reward. The hope of heaven and God's eternal love guides our day to day choices, knowing that we will see him coming in His glory. 


We invite you to join us as we work and worship as the Lord's body in 2025. Won't you join us for our next gathering?
