

Spiritual Soldiers

When we close our eyes and picture a soldier or a knight, there are many aspects that come to mind. We probably picture this person standing in a crowd not only by appearance due to armor but also by the way she or he carries themselves. A soldier is meant to fight for justice, honor, and good, while upholding the moral standards that even general society doesn’t always adhere to. They are the women and men who others look up to and try to emulate. All the romanticism aside, how does this apply to being spiritual soldiers? How does it apply to us?


As soldiers of Christ we indeed are supposed to set ourselves apart from the rest through our actions and hearts. Soldiers in Christ can do this by following Romans 12, in that we must hate what is evil, love with a sincere heart, and renew our mind in Christ so that we can discern God’s good will from the will of the world. One of the best ways to fight for good and hate evil is also talked about in Romans 12 toward the end of the chapter. We as Christians can put love into action by showing love to others, especially our enemies. We must not seek revenge for God because it is His job, not ours, to be angry with wrath as a judge, jury, and executioner (James 4:12; Romans 12:19; Revelations 21:8).


Another way a soldier can be set apart is by his uniform that is clearly different from what everyone else is wearing. Our uniform (or armor) that we are wearing daily includes faith, peace, truth, righteousness, and salvation (Ephesians 6:10-18). All these wonders come from God and His Word. When we pick up our cross daily (Luke 9:23), we are to deny ourselves the thoughts and actions of a world that is without Christ. With our cross we put on God, using His Word and Holy Spirit to guide us on a path of love as we go throughout our day. We don’t wield God's gifts or His word as a weapon of anger but one of righteousness (James 1:19-20).


Lastly, like any soldier, we are not alone. God has blessed us with two amazing sources of encouragement: Himself and His church. When we struggle and when we triumph in this world, we owe it all to God. We must always remember to pray for all things and go to Him in all situations (Ephesians 6:18). In His church, our church, God has given each person unique gifts, so we can grow and learn to glorify Him together. When we work together united in God, we as a church will truly set ourselves apart as well. Look for opportunities everyday and let nothing stop you from being who God made you to be.