



Similar to last Sunday, yesterday we had a wonderful evening service of singing songs that express our love for our Lord. These songs focused on the amazing sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us all. Jesus’ sacrifice reminds me of a phrase created by a young woman who travels around the country speaking on faith and self-encouragement: “Your Brokenness is Welcome Here.” No matter our past, the wrongs we’ve made or those made against us, we all can move on from it with hope and do so knowing that we are loved and loving participants of a greater good with a purpose much bigger than ourselves. As we can learn from Hebrews and Psalm 98, this is what Jesus has blessed us with in his sacrifice.


When we read Hebrews 6, then chapter 9, and then Psalm 98, the message across these passages clearly paints a picture of God’s full plan for his people. I encourage you all to read these chapters as I did in preparation for writing this article for you all today. It is very encouraging to read with clarity why Christ died for us and to be reminded that with that sacrifice we can be 100% certain that God loves us. He doesn’t promise to take away our hardships, but with the hope God gives us in Christ’s sacrifice we certainty can believe that our hardships are opportunities for good.


When we choose the path of God and choose to seize and take in the good, to take in God, then we will be rewarded beyond our imagination. With God we are worthy, we are loved, and we can move forward for purposes of good. Jesus willingly was the ultimate sacrifice to God’s ultimate plan for our eternal salvation. We only need to face death and this life once for an eternity of peace and joy. What can be more encouraging today than that?! But this can only happen if we accept Christ as our savior in baptism and uphold God’s word in our lives.


If you need to make changes in your life today so that you are truly obeying God in your life, there is no better day than today. We are not promised tomorrow and we only have this one life to do so before we wait for Christ’s second coming. If you are compelled by Christ to accept him and become part of his church, again, there is no better day than today. If you would like prayers or help in anyway, seek that help you need before it is too late. We at the West Mason church of Christ would love to be that help if we can. If you have questions please ask us!