

Action and Endurance


The momentary afflictions of this world can be hurtful and painful. This is why followers of Christ must continue to live as Christ’s examples. He can be a beacon of light in moments to which there seems like none. He can raise us up and make sure we will rise above the challenges the world may put before us rather than continue to remain chained by them. By dying on the cross, Christ has allowed us to focus on Him and the glory that awaits us in heaven. Our trials can become blessings if we seek His path of light and positivity. He says in 1 Thessalonians 4 that, “God has not called us for impurity but in holiness.” Our actions should always try to reflect that calling; we can use that negative moment to ignite new focus and hope. If we do our best to avoid impurity in this life, we will eternally avoid impurity along His side in heaven.


It is challenging, but we must overcome the negative and become unified with God. The auhor of Hebrews says we are His house, and our builder was the Creator of all things and in that we should have hope: the Creator of all things has overcome death, sin, and can even overcome our afflictions. In His house is where we will have eternal rest, but our heart cannot get there if it is hardened by the negativity of the world.


So give your burdens to Him, become unified with others that are part of God's house, the church, and be lifted up. It is okay if we do not yet know how to best serve Him. If we search our heart and His word, we will find a good place to start; sometimes, He provides the most unexpected opportunities for us when we are looking for them.


Inspired by: Hebrews 12, Thessalonias 1:4