Time and Focus
Wherever we are on our journey through life, we can be sure that we love to live in either the past, or the hopes of the future. Right now, I have an infected gall bladder, thus I have been put on “house arrest” for the six weeks up until I have my gall bladder removed. All I can think of is, how I can’t wait to have this all put behind me. And, if I had some hindsight, I could go back and get my gall bladder removed so that way the worst would already be behind me. Even though I do not like my current situation, I am learning that the present is a gift to be cherished, no matter how cheesy of a phrase it may be.
I know the present is a gift because after taking care of me and getting me to the hospital my amazing significant other did something that surprised me. Once I was settled, she immediately changed all our holiday plans in her mind and began thinking of everything we could indoors to make the holidays in quarantine a memorable one. I was short sighted that I could only think of how I want to change the past so I could change the present, and far sighted that I couldn’t wait for the future. I wasn’t thinking of the present and how God has given me an opportunity to have more time with my best friend. Both in the hospital and during the 6-week quarantine until surgery. In the hospital I was granted time to apply what God has been teaching me. I could be patient and loving to the doctors and nurses, I could pray and laugh with my best friend, I could not only show God through how I acted with those around me but live it in my heart.
We should make time to study and read His Word, just as we should have future hopes or memories past. But it is just as important for us to remember and cherish the opportunities we are given every day. I can’t wait to spend a holiday taking care of my health, catching up on drawing, plying board games, watching movies, etc. Doing everything to live out God’s word this holiday season with my soul mate. It is easy for us to focus on work, anxieties, worries, and other distractions, but when we can focus on God that is when we can truly live and love in the present. This holiday season try to focus on when you can include others and include the principles of God into the little moments.
Inspired by: Exodus 36, Ephesians 5:15-20, Psalm 19