Does Self-Doubt Plague You
Have you ever doubted your own accomplishments? This feeling can affect people from all walks of life because it is no secret that human beings regularly look to each other and make comparisons. Since it is difficult to know exactly how someone else feels in their heart about a given task, situation, or themselves, we can be tempted to put them on a pedestal of perfection in comparison to us. This makes us likely to put ourselves down, even amidst great blessings.
In the Bible, Saul doubted himself after being told he was going to be the first king of Israel. Saul expressed that he came from the smallest clan of the smallest tribe in Israel in 1 Samuel 10 and was surprised that the prophet Samuel was speaking to him. After prophesying in 1 Samuel 10, Saul then returned to his uncle and told him of the conversation with Samuel. Except, Saul said nothing to his uncle about the kingdom Samuel spoke of. At his own inauguration to be king Saul was nowhere to be found because he hid himself (1 Sam. 10:20-23). When men questioned if he could truly be the one to save Israel Saul did not say anything. Even as king, he was concerned about seeking the people’s approval before God’s and his rash actions are a testament to his priorities (1 Sam. 13:8-23, 1 Sam. 14:24-52, 1 Sam. 15:13-28).
We can easily lose sight of the authority we have in our own decision making. Our self-assurance and confidence can turn into self-doubt and fear. We can become unsure about ourselves and focused to prove to others our value. However, value is not determined by our physical or worldly identity. Our value is given to us by God when he created the unique soul that we have. Every being on Earth has a soul, thus, everyone is worthy of blessings in God’s eyes. When we become rooted in God’s love, we will no longer become easily swayed by the negatives that come our way (Eph. 4:14). God affirmed His love for us when He sent Jesus to the cross so that everyone of us can have the opportunity to know our value in His presence for all eternity. On Earth, God reassures us of His love, but we must choose to obediently listen and embrace Him in our hearts.