

The One Person You Can Control

Reading: Luke 14:1-24


A ruler of the Pharisees invited Jesus to a dinner gathering. Rather than showing hospitality, the religious leaders were actually scrutinizing his every move and seeking to discredit him (v. 1). He responded to their hard hearts and selfish behavior with a parable of a wedding feast: the proud person seeks the best seat, but is shamed when he is told to take the lowest place. In contrast, the humble person assumes the lowest position, only to be brought up to a more honorable spot by the host. Jesus ends by saying, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (v. 11).


Our Lord makes it plain in these two statements that there is only one person you can control: yourself. It would make life much easier if we could control other people, like the Pharisees attempting to control Jesus at this social meal. You could make someone see things as you do, reign in others’ poor behavior, or simply keep them from interfering in your business or plans. But our time and effort yield much better, holier fruit when we turn those efforts inward to exercise self-control instead.  


It is easy to exalt yourself by making your opinions and desires central to everything you do (vv. 12, 18-20), but God will humble you, both providentially through your time on this earth and, if not remedied, eternally by separating you from Himself (v. 24). However, you can learn to humble yourself by putting the will of God before your will, and by putting the cares of other people before your cares (vv. 13-14). God promises to exalt those who live this way, both in their daily walk with Him and with a place in His presence forever.