

Just As It Was

Reading: Luke 17:20-37


When asked when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus told his questioners that the kingdom was already becoming accessible to the people of his day (vv. 20-21). This leads Jesus to warn his disciples about the world rejecting him as the King (v. 25) and the subsequent judgment from God. Jesus impresses this point upon his hearers with two Old Testament examples: Noah (vv. 26-27) and Lot (vv. 28-29).


These two men represent two historical events, both of which point to the pattern of how the world responds when God holds His creation accountable. People focus on themselves, their own goals and concerns, with little to no attention for God and His ways. Despite warnings and the outcry against them, they go about their business, relationships, and pursuits. Just like in the days before the flood… just like how it was before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire… just as it was before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. … and just as it will be when Jesus returns on Judgment Day.  


That final day will catch many people by surprise, but it really shouldn’t. God has not changed: He still holds His creation morally accountable, and He still offers salvation from divine wrath to those who turn to Him. As it was with Noah and Lot, those who are saved by God’s grace are those who are willing to lose what the world calls “life” in order seek His kingdom and live for righteousness (v. 33).