

Be A Sycamore Tree

Reading: Luke 19:1-27


Most of us know the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus (vv. 1-10): this chief tax collector wanted to see Jesus, but he was too short to see over the crowd. He climbed into a sycamore tree to get a better view, but it is Jesus who saw him—and called Zacchaeus to host him that day. While the crowd grumbled over this man’s reputation as a sinner, Zacchaeus began demonstrating genuine repentance that very moment.


Salvation came to this man’s house because he encountered the love of Christ. But think about how difficult the crowd made this transformation (v. 3). Those in Jericho knew this man, and many may have been taken advantage of financially by him and his associates. It would have been all too easy to let bitterness and vengeful thinking motivate them to deny him access to the Lord. The sad truth is that we can do the same: criticism, negligence, or even ignorance of others can find you and me facing Jesus while simultaneously blocking others from seeing him—intentionally or otherwise.


And then there’s the tree. It was the solution to Zacchaeus’s need in that moment. It did what the people refused to do: lifting him above the disgruntled crowd, it provided this sinner an opportunity to start a relationship with the Son of God. It is amazing to consider the Creator gave life and growth to this very tree, knowing it would serve this special purpose. How much more should you and I stand in awe of God working in our lives, preparing us for opportunities to bring lost souls to their Redeemer. So wherever God has planted you this week, be a tree (Psalm 1) that helps those around you set their sights on things above.